We have a school uniform policy which is publicised regularly both to students and parents/carers and which we expect all students and parents / carers to support. Our policy is designed to reflect the need for a standard of dress which is smart and reflects a clear identity for Biddulph High School.
The reasons for having this policy are that:
- School uniform is an effective way of preventing the differentiation between and discrimination against children from advantaged or disadvantaged backgrounds.
- Uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, unity and a feeling of belonging to Biddulph High School.
- School uniform helps young people to accept that there are appropriate standards of appearance for certain circumstances. We want our young people to look smart as an outward indication of a positive attitude generally.
- School uniform helps students to leave outside influences behind, focus on school work and concentrate on learning.
School responsibility:
To ensure that all students are aware of the school uniform requirements and to implement these by the monitoring of student appearance and follow-up of infringements. We will confiscate any items (e.g. jewellery/non-uniform) that contravene the uniform policy and students will be able to collect them from the school Reception after their detention.
Student responsibility:
To make sure that your appearance is in line with school rules regarding the wearing of uniform and the guidelines on hair, jewellery & piercings, make-up and nails. Inform a member of the Pastoral Team immediately if you have an issue with your uniform, e.g. item rips during the school day, and they will seek to help.
Parent / carer responsibility:
We look to parents / carers to support our uniform code fully by ensuring that your child is dressed suitably each day and by supporting us should we need to sanction your child for breaking the rules. To ensure that your child leaves for school each day correctly dressed, without: extremes of hairstyle or colour; wearing jewellery beyond that stated in the school policy; wearing excessive make-up or fake tan; inappropriate nails. We may ask you to bring an item of uniform to school if we are unable to lend your child a spare item for that day. Inform the school immediately if there is an issue with an item of your child’s uniform or you are finding it difficult to replace an item. Piercings should be done at the start of the summer break, to allow sufficient time to heal, so that they can be removed in September.
As students get older, they invariably try to add their own ‘style’ to their uniforms and it can be, at times, difficult to keep variations of uniform in check – particularly as fashion trends change. It is for this reason that we have tried to be as clear as possible with our guidelines.
We enforce our uniform guidelines (including hair, jewellery & piercings, makeup and nails) firmly but fairly – if students are not wearing the correct uniform, they will not be able to participate in lessons with their peers, and will be educated a Safe Haven until the issue is resolved.
It is worth noting that if you buy a skirt, a pair of trousers or a pair of shoes and you are concerned as to its suitability, we are more than willing to check it for you in school. All you or your child need to do is bring it in, with the tags still attached, and we will look at it for you.
We will not accept extreme hairstyles which tend to be in fashion as trends change. It is difficult to be prescriptive about this but it is worth noting that the following styles have never been acceptable:
- Tram lines or patterns in the hair.
- An all over grade 1 haircut.
- Coloured streaks or shadings in unnatural colours such as reds, pinks, greens, purples, blues etc.
- Bleach used to create an obvious pattern in the hair, such as bleach used to streak down the centre of the hair, which contrasts with the rest of the hair colour.
- Decorative inserts such as feathers, tinsel or braids etc.
Jewellery & Piercings
The only jewellery allowed to be worn in school is a watch and one pair of stud earrings (one in each lobe). No facial piercings of any sort (nose, eyebrow, lip, chin, tongue etc.) It is not acceptable to wear clear studs or a plaster over the piercing.
Only clear and pale pink nail varnish may be worn in school. No gel, acrylic or excessively long nails.
Subtle makeup can be applied. No fake eyelashes and no heavy eye makeup, blusher or lipstick. No fake tan that looks unnatural.
School Uniform
To reduce the cost to families, we have limited our compulsory branded uniform to just 3 items – blazer, tie and PE polo shirt. All other items can be bought from any retailer, but must be of the approved style. If you are unsure about any item that you intend to purchase, please contact the school and we will be happy to advise you.
- Navy blue BHS logo blazer (approved school style from suppliers – see below).
- School tie – (approved school style from suppliers – see below).
- Plain white school shirt, short or long sleeved.
- Charcoal full-length trousers or plain knee-length charcoal skirt (see approved styles below).
- Charcoal tailored knee-length school shorts may be worn in the summer term (see approved styles below).
- Black tights or black or white socks (ankle or knee length, but not over the knee socks).
- Plain black school shoes, not boots, that can be polished (see approved styles below).
Trainers or shoes/boots with logos (even if black logos) or coloured markings on them are not appropriate. Shoes need to be substantial – ballet style shoes, slipper shoes, shoes with thin soles, high heels, open toe, or mules are not appropriate.
- Plain navy, long-sleeved jumper or tank top, fine knit with a V-neck (see approved style below).
- Jumpers are not an alternative to the blazer – a blazer must be worn at all times. If a student becomes too warm with both the blazer and the jumper, the jumper is the item that needs to be removed.
School Uniform Examples

PE Kit
- BHS logo navy polo shirt (approved school style from suppliers – see below).
- Plain navy PE shorts (see approved styles below).
- Plain navy knee-high sports socks (see approved styles below).
- Training shoes / trainers.
- Gum shield (Boys Rugby only).
- BHS logo navy training top (approved school style from suppliers – see below).
- Navy or black long sleeved sports base layer (to be worn under BHS logo navy polo shirt).
- Navy or black training pants with no big logos (see approved styles below) **
- Navy or black opaque sports leggings with no big logos (see approved styles below) **
- Football boots* – Needed for Rugby lessons and competitive Rugby matches (Boys only) and competitive Football games if selected (Boys and Girls).
- Shin pads for competitive football.
* Football boots are not allowed on the Astro Turf.
** BHS logo training pants and BHS logo sports leggings are also available from suppliers.
PE Kit Examples

School Uniform and PE Kit is available from:
Clive Mark Schoolwear Limted, 13-14 Lancaster Building, High street, Newcastle under Lyme, ST5 1PG
Smart School Uniform, Unit 2, Highgate Park, Brownhills Road, Tunstall, ST6 4JZ
01782 713650 shop@smartuniform.co.uk Smart Uniform