
We have a tradition of securing places at the top universities, including Oxford and Cambridge, on prestigious courses such as Medicine and Veterinary and throughout our local partnership universities.


Through our CEIAG programme, we provide support and guidance to students applying to university and we are delighted that each year the majority of students secure offers and places at their first choice universities. Destinations for students who completed their studies include Oxford, Durham, Manchester, Nottingham, Leeds and Sheffield as well as more local universities including Staffordshire, Manchester Metropolitan, Derby, and Keele.


We are also committed to ensuring that students have access to research and consider universities to make informed decisions about the best route for them. As such, we encourage students to attend university workshops throughout the year and attend summer schools to experience university life. We are also proud of the links which we have established with universities who support us with talks, visits and mock interviews.


Useful links: 


  GOV – Student Finance


Year 13 University Information 2025 Entry:

Applications for all UCAS Undergraduate courses, except those with a 15 October deadline, should arrive at UCAS by 18:00 (UK time) on 29 January 2025.


This is our ‘equal consideration’ deadline, which means course providers must consider all applications received by this time equally.


Universities and colleges do not have to consider applications received after the deadline, although they can if they have spaces available once the on-time applications have been considered.


Check course information in our search tool to see which deadline applies to you.


Student Finance Information to follow.


Click for Apprenticeship Video and Information


More and more young people are choosing to further their careers through an apprenticeship and as an alternative to university. Apprenticeships are very well supported by the government and employers as a way for young people to get the skills and experience required for business.


Throughout the Year 13 we work with our students to secure Apprenticeship offers. As part of our CEIAG programme, we have a number of guests who visit and talk to our students about Apprenticeships and offer support and guidance about applying. Furthermore, we encourage our students to attend the National Apprenticeship Shows held in Birmingham and Manchester.


For further information about apprenticeships:

A Guide to Apprenticeships

  Allabout School Leavers – Career Envy – Apprenticeship & School Leaver Case Studies

  Allabout School Leavers – Apprenticeships, School Leaver Programmes & Sponsored Degrees


To register for alerts for Apprenticeships:

GOV- Find an Apprenticeship


Below are further links which you may find useful:



Kuehne Nagel – Apprenticeship Jobs 

KPMG Careers – Apprenticeship Programmes

BT – Apprenticeships at BT

ICAEW – Careers

GOV UK – Civil Service Fast Track Apprenticeship 

JTL Training 

Eversheds Sutherland – Solicitor Apprenticeships 

Royal Mail Group – Early Careers

IBM – Employment

Speedy Services – Jobs


Skills Beyond the Classroom

Sixth Form is an important stage in the development of a fully rounded young person. Universities and employers look for young people who can contribute fully to the ethos of their institution. As such, we encourage our students to take part in a range of extra-curricular activities. We place great emphasis on the development of the individual student in terms of personal skills and experience.


Extra-curricular activities at BH6 include:

  • Work Experience
  • BH6 Student Voice and Leadership Team
  • University Conferences and Workshops
  • Theatre Trips
  • UCAS Conventions
  • Summer School
  • Links with local businesses
  • Apprenticeship Support Programme
  • Academic Learners Programme
  • Academic Mentoring

Registration – Tutorial Sessions

During an extended registration period each week, our students work with their Progress Tutor to cover topics related to PSHE and CEIAG. We believe that this programme enables our students to develop a sound understanding of risk and develop the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. In addition, we help prepares students for life beyond education.


Year 12 topics covered include:

  • First aid and illness
  • Healthy lifestyles
  • Study skills
  • Driver safety and theory
  • Planning for the future
  • Target setting and progress reviews
  • Drugs and alcohol education
  • Skills for success
  • Mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • Domestic abuse
  • Gap year opportunities
  • University Ambassadors talks
  • University research and preparing for UCAS

Year 13 topics covered include:

  • UCAS support
  • Apprenticeship support
  • Finance
  • CV writing
  • Target setting and progress reviews
  • British Values and Democracy
  • Preparing for University